Rating: 5 points
Pros: Potentially a new OTR model this year!
Cons: It isn't a Notchback.
We have seen straight shafted Tour versions of Studio Select putters with welded spuds ever since they hit the Tour late last year. This variation on that theme seems a lot more "production friendly" with the heel alignment dot and one piece (non-weld) design. The reason the design has gotten this far is probably because it has been requested so much on Tour.
With a standard 1/4 toe hang, this putter lends itself to the arc stroke that nearly every Touring Professional and many amateur golfers have adopted after realizing the straight back and through path is a myth. Since human physiology and a non-perpendicular lie angle (a perpendicular shaft would be illegal) force some arc into every putting stroke; this straight shafted putter will fit the bill for many golfers who like how a no-offset putter sets up.
This putter is a departure from center shafted Camerons of the past in that it (as above) will not be face balanced. The neck spud is closer to the heel of the putter as well than with CS putters. Those previous CS Studio Stainless putters were all prototypes, however, and this Studio Select version seems to have a lot of momentum towards becoming an OTR. That momentum comes not only from Tour player and collector support, but from a very logistically sound design that could easily be converted to a belly putter with heavier sole weights.
Although I have never been a true fan of straight shafted putters, this one has me excited. All Scotty needs to do now is make a Notchback version.
As a side note, there are already rumors of a Newport 2.7 model which would most likely be a heel shafted double bend version of the Newport 2.
local like you i was also very excited to here word of the 2.6, then a big collector drops the 2.7 and says its for sure comnig to tour and also maybe as an otr, i cannot wait to see both in person and would love to own a 2.7 and will have to give some serious thought to the 2.6!
when is the 2.6 slated to be released ??
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