Rating: 3 points (for obvious reasons)
Pros: Thin flange, full toe hang.
Cons: Pre-Mizuno or Pre-Titleist?
I've been lucky enough to have three SCM Mizuno Prototypes in my collection at some point. These are great collection pieces as well as seriously accurate putters. The latter holds true due to the sweet spot being easier to find than a Classic III or Bullseye style putter, and the full toe hang makes for a smooth gate style stroke. Not many of these show up for acquisition... only two or three last year on eBay or classifieds, and anyone with one in their collection should count themselves lucky.
The name "Mizuno Prototype" may suggest to some these were made before Scotty worked with Mizuno. However these were probably made in '94 from leftover Mizuno Pro-Am heads (contrary to the COA verbiage stating they were made from leftover M-100 heads). Less than 100 are believed to exist, though with many of them in Japan, that number may never be substantiated. Conflict with the COA wording aside, these are great Pre-Titleist pieces.
The SCM is engraved (not hand stamped), as the head was CNC milled... although one can't help but get a handmade "feel" when they see or putt with one. Scott Hoch was believed to use one of these on Tour in the early 90's, and I believe a good percentage of the less than 100 made were sent to players on Tour. This was at a time when Scotty was still making handmades regularly for Tour players and the shape of this putter is strongly influenced by those designs.
The other component to these putters is the "Cartier Script" on the face, which Scotty was experimenting with at the time... obviously this did not catch on, but for that reason, this putter is a great glimpse into Scotty's fairly early design days.
local, this is a sweet stick for sure, ive always though that anything with S C M on it had to be special in some way. any idea on production numbers? also really hoping this one shows up in ohio in aug.
ok missed the 100 part, but less then 100 is still pretty vague...ha
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